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OpenAI Unleashes Autonomous AI to Order Your Pizza and Steal Your Last Bit of Human Agency

In what experts are calling “a bold leap into the uncanny valley,” OpenAI has launched its first-ever autonomous web-surfing AI assistant dubbed “Operator.” This groundbreaking technology will now perform tasks that humans apparently can no longer handle themselves, like ordering groceries or booking tickets for sporting events you didn’t want to attend in the first place.

“I asked Operator to find me a sushi restaurant,” said Jeff Hammerstein, a beta tester from Ohio. “It booked me a table in Tokyo. I’m not even mad, honestly. I respect the confidence.” Operator’s autonomy redefines convenience, or, as one Twitter user put it: “Now something else can disappoint my DoorDash cravings instead of my delivery guy.”

The innovation is powered by an advanced “Computer-Using Agent” model that can navigate the web as though it’s your full-time digital personal assistant—all while judging you for your search history in a way only an algorithm could. Demonstration videos showcased the AI’s ability to execute critical life-management tasks like purchasing tickets, reserving dinner tables, and presumably figuring out why your Amazon package is still in a warehouse in Wyoming.

To ensure we’re not completely handing the keys to our savings accounts over to Skynet, OpenAI added safety features like user approval for purchases and “takeover mode,” which presumably lets users wrestle back control in the rare moments they feel like being an independent adult. “With Operator, we wanted people to feel both empowered and subtly infantilized at the same time,” said OpenAI’s head of marketing, Carol Innovate. “Your credit card info is safe… as long as you don’t piss it off.”

The agent is currently only available to U.S. Pro users, with plans to expand to Plus, Team, and Enterprise users after further testing. But don’t worry, everyone else. If all goes well, soon your own Operator will be able to mess up your travel plans as efficiently as a base-level, undertrained human assistant.

But let’s not ignore the broader implications. This release marks the ceremonial first clap of the thunderstorm that is AI autonomy in mainstream consumer use. It’s no longer just about asking chatbots why your existential dread spikes every Tuesday. Now we’re being asked to envision a world where Siri and Alexa are the underachieving cousins to AI systems smart enough to send your mom flowers—but only after snooping through your email to see when you last disappointed her.

Of course, OpenAI isn’t alone in the race to relieve humans of their capacity for basic effort. Perplexity has also joined the “I’ll do it for you, peasant” AI revolution, unveiling a mobile assistant that allows people to book restaurants and hail Ubers sans independent thought. “It’s like we’ve outsourced the last shred of what makes us functional adults,” said one tech blogger, teary-eyed, while having AI remind him to drink water.

Predictably, the future is both thrilling and vaguely horrifying. While critics warn of cyber pitfalls, like Operator ordering you a lifetime supply of Funyuns after misinterpreting your nervous laughter, supporters argue this innovation is just what society needs: to stop thinking altogether.

After all, why bother with trivial things like autonomy when you could have an algorithm judge your restaurant preferences and then overcharge your credit card? Welcome to the agentic AI age: a brave new world full of unnaturally helpful overlords and just the right level of existential spice.