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“Elon Musk Unveils ‘Colossus’, a GPU Behemoth, Leaving AI Rivals Contemplating Life Choices Over Holiday Barbecue”

In a move that leaves the technosphere gasping for air and possibly planning its next existential crisis, Elon Musk’s xAI has proudly showcased “Colossus,” a monstrous AI training cluster boasting an army of 100,000 Nvidia H100 GPUs. Yes, you heard that right – a computing beast so powerful it could probably outsmart your entire family at Scrabble simultaneously, and possibly even find a rational explanation for quantum physics over brunch.

This Herculean feat was constructed in just 122 days – because let’s face it, why wouldn’t you want to assemble the world’s most formidable AI cluster over a few long weekends while everyone else is busy setting their grills on fire? The project was allegedly completed over a holiday weekend in the U.S., begging the question: does Elon really ever rest, or does he recharge by absorbing cosmic energy while he sleeps?

Musk announced plans to expand this silicon juggernaut to 200,000 GPUs soon, probably to ensure no one else can ever hold a technologically superior kitchen appliance. “We’re building the world’s top AI cluster, because what else could I possibly do with my weekends?” Musk supposedly remarked, reportedly eying the remaining GPUs with a look of insatiable ambition.

In an exclusive interview with absolutely nobody at all, a fictional xAI insider revealed, “Elon’s goal isn’t to just build powerful AI – it’s to have enough computational power to play Minecraft on the largest ultra-HD display known to man. It’s beyond any mortal comprehension.”

Industry competitors, meanwhile, are left wondering whether they can keep up with Musk’s rapid pace, or if they should just pivot to selling artisanal data analytics to support their sudden career change to pet grooming. As one unnamed and entirely theoretical OpenAI exec declared, “At this rate, our only option is to collaborate with Tom Cruise, because like Elon, he doesn’t seem to obey the fundamental laws of time and aging.”

As AI titans scramble to catch up to Musk’s relentless pace, one thing is clear: weekends are no longer safe from the musky whirlwind of innovation. Behold, for Colossus towers over the tech landscape, threatening to rewrite the rules of the AI race. Buckle up, world – it’s going to be a GPU-filled ride.