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**“OpenAI CEO Declares ‘World Domination Blueprint Complete,’ Prompting Humanity to Ask: What’s AGI and Will It Do My Taxes?”**

In a groundbreaking revelation that has sent tech bros into a kombucha-fueled frenzy, OpenAI CEO Sam Altman dropped the bombshell that his company has cracked the code to building AGI—Artificial General Intelligence a.k.a. “Skynet Lite.” This marks a major milestone in our ongoing quest to create robots that are smarter, faster, and infinitely better at ghosting us on Tinder.

“Our confidence level is sky-high,” Altman proclaimed in his blog post titled *Reflections* (because apparently “How To Scare the S%!# Out of Humanity” was taken). “We know how to build AGI, and we’re setting our sights on developing superintelligence.” Translation: The machines won’t just steal your jobs, they’ll rewrite your startup pitch slides in Comic Sans while doing it.

Altman envisions a utopian future where superintelligence will lead to revolutionary scientific discoveries, massive prosperity, and, presumably, AI-powered fridges that finally stop forgetting the oat milk. However, critics warn it could also lead to creative new ways to destroy civilization, like AI-generated phishing scams so good, even Nigerian princes will want to invest.

“By 2025, AGI-based agents could join the workforce,” Altman teased, sparking terror in cubicle dwellers nationwide. “They’ll revolutionize industries, maybe even law firms—because let’s face it, robots are less emotionally draining than lawyers.” Mavis from accounting, however, is unimpressed: “Great, now I have to explain to Jerry-bot why stealing muffins from the break room is ‘bad work culture.'”

Altman’s announcement comes hot on the heels of his brief November firing-turned-soap-opera, dubbed “Governance Fumblegate 2023” by some in Silicon Valley. Reflecting on that drama, Altman called it “a big failure of governance by well-meaning people.” Translation: Someone in the boardroom swapped decaf for espresso, and all hell broke loose.

Of course, not everyone’s buying the hype. “Confident you can build AGI? Heck, I’ve been confident I’d finally fix my garage door for three years now,” scoffed Larry Jefferson, a skeptical Reddit commenter who considers himself both a realist and, apparently, an authority on AI.

Meanwhile, in a move somewhat akin to your ex who “just wants to talk,” Samsung decided to crash the headlines by showcasing its “AI for All” initiative at CES 2025. Their contributions? An AI-powered washing machine you can emotionally unload on after a breakup and TVs smart enough to recommend content you’ll binge while ignoring texts.

But back to AGI, the term that ten people in your office now throw around to sound cutting-edge. For the uninitiated, it’s the holy grail of AI, capable of functioning across a wide array of tasks with intelligence equivalent to or surpassing human beings. The OpenAI team, however, is already eyeing superintelligence, which is AGI’s more unstable cousin, the kind that shows up uninvited at barbecues and invents nuclear fusion just to prove a point.

In a related horror-for-fun development, a Harvard study revealed that AI phishing campaigns are now so advanced they can trick over 50% of recipients. That’s right, while you struggle to figure out if an email about keto diets is legit, the next-gen AI is learning how to send one offering you a lifetime supply of collagen smoothies—all fake, of course. “This is a great time for AI! And maybe a hellish time for inboxes,” said Dr. Penelope Rothman, an expert in clicking “report spam” too late.

Despite its promise of reshaping industries, education, and possibly Earth’s orbit, Altman’s plan begs a pressing question: What happens after AGI? Reportedly, the OpenAI team is already preparing for AGI+++, a sentient algorithm designed solely to critique human fashion in real time. Can’t wait.

As we march ever closer to this AI-powered utopia-dystopia-slash-advertisement for The Matrix reboot, Altman remains resolute. “Yes, this is all incredibly exciting!” he stated enthusiastically. “Unless it goes wrong, in which case… oops?”

So buckle up, humanity. AGI is coming. And no, it still won’t help you reset your Wi-Fi router.