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OpenAI Heads for Independence: Dumps Slowpoke Microsoft for Faster, Sexier Servers in Abilene

In a shocking twist that is sure to make headlines for weeks, OpenAI is reportedly creeping slowly away from its long-time sugar daddy, Microsoft, in search of more powerful and alluring compute power to fuel its ever-growing ambitions. This daring move signals a seismic shift in the delicate balance of the tech world’s most talked-about partnership.

Sources close to OpenAI claim the company is hunting for compute speed that would make Sonic the Hedgehog look like he’s been sipping too much decaf. “Microsoft hasn’t moved fast enough for our taste,” confessed CFO Sarah Friar, clutching a stack of resumes from other tech giants. “We need our AI to think at speeds that would baffle even the most caffeinated squirrels.”

Rumor has it that OpenAI has set its sights on a charming data center in Abilene, Texas, owned by none other than Oracle, causing quite the eyebrow raise at Microsoft’s headquarters. “It’s like when your partner suddenly borrows their parent’s house for a weekend getaway… The implications are colossal,” noted tech analyst Jimmy Byte.

In other audacious endeavors, OpenAI is reportedly dabbling in chip-making, a venture clearly inspired by the idea that making your own hardware is the new black. Experts predict that these new AI chips will not only be faster but may also make your toaster feel bad about its life choices.

This fresh ambition hasn’t been without its tensions, as talks over a co-parented mega data center aptly named ‘Fairwater’ have seen OpenAI and Microsoft engaged in passive-aggressive planning meetings over Zoom. Whether this partnership will sink like Titanic II or triumphantly cruise to another Nobel-worthy breakthrough remains a question for the ages.

Meanwhile, Microsoft – ever the overachieving ex – is watching anxiously as its former muse dances into a future that may or may not have it holding the spotlight. “It’s like watching your favorite TV show suddenly kill off the main character,” muttered one weary Microsoft insider, bemoaning the cliffhanger that leaves the tech universe on the edge of its ergonomic seat.

Will OpenAI’s new moves result in a blazing success or a slow-motion car crash? One thing’s for sure: tech-drama aficionados are in for a treat.